The method of tempered transitions was proposed by Neal (1996) for tackling the difficulties arising when using Markov chain Monte Carlo to sample from multimodal distributions. In common with methods such as simulated tempering and Metropolis-coupled MCMC, the key idea is to utilise a series of successively easier to sample distributions to improve movement around the state space. Tempered transitions does this by incorporating moves through these less modal distributions into the MCMC proposals. Unfortunately the improved movement between modes comes at a high computational cost with a low acceptance rate of expensive proposals. We consider how the algorithm may be tuned to increase the acceptance rates for a given number of temperatures. We find that the commonly assumed geometric spacing of temperatures is reasonable in many but not all applications.
翻译:Neal(1996年)提出了缓和过渡方法,以解决使用Markov链Monte Carlo作为多式联运销售样本时产生的困难。与模拟温带和大都会混合MCMC等方法相同,关键的想法是利用一系列连续更容易的样本分布方法改善州空间的移动。通过这些不太简单的模式分布,将移动纳入MCMC提案,从而实现缓和过渡。不幸的是,不同模式之间的移动在计算成本较高,而且接受费用昂贵的投标书的比率较低。我们考虑如何调整算法以提高一定温度的接受率。我们发现,通常假定的温度几何间距在许多应用中是合理的,但并非所有应用中都是如此。