ISAIR 2019
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Daegu, Korea
The accepted high quality papers will be recommended to special issues in sustainability-related SCI indexed journals, such as
1. Computers & Electrical Engineering (SCI, IF=1.57)
2. Mobile Networks & Applications (SCI, IF=2.497/CCF C类)
3. Wireless Networks (SCI, IF=1.981/CCF C类)
4. Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI, IF=1.53/CCF C类)
5. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (SCI, IF=1.133/CCF C类)
6. IEEE Access Journal (SCI, IF=3.557/中科院三区)
7. Sensors (SCI, IF=2.677/中科院二区)
8. Applied Soft Computing (SCI, IF=3.907/中科院二区)
The integration of artificial intelligence and robotic technologies has become a topic of increasing interest for both researchers and developers from academic fields and industries worldwide. It is foreseeable that artificial intelligence will be the main approach of the next generation of robotic research. The explosive number of artificial intelligence algorithms and increasing computational power of computers has significantly extended the number of potential applications for robotic technologies. It has also brought new challenges to the artificial intelligence community. The aim of this symposium is to provide a platform for young researchers to share up-to-date scientific achievements in this field.
人工智能与机器人国际研讨会(International Symposium on ArtificialIntelligence and Robotics, ISAIR)属于人工智能与机器人交叉领域的重要国际会议,在工业界和学术界具有较大影响力。会议目的在于结合人工智能算法与高效率计算两方面的优势,促进和推动智能机器人行业的发展,同时开拓人工智能领域的新问题、新挑战和新方向,为学术界和工业界提供一个国际交流、学习与合作的平台。该研讨会主要的征稿方向基本涵盖了智能机器人和计算机视觉的各个方面,具体包括:(1)多媒体技术。如跨媒体学习理论、媒体机器人导航理论与控制理论、媒体机器人通信理论以及无线多媒体机器人理论等;(2)计算机视觉。如3D 图像恢复、颜色-深度视觉理论、模式识别与机器视觉理论、物体跟踪以及深度学习算法设计等;(3)智能控制理论与方法。如系统建模与动力控制理论、智能化学习控制理论、机器人以及机电一体化、鲁棒的非线性控制理论以及生物医学系统与控制理论等;(4)传感器理论与设计。如视觉传感器设计、医学图像传感器设计、触觉传感器设计、声波传感器设计以及传感器网络理论等。2016年12月第一届ISAIR2016在中国武汉举办,国际会议共收到38篇投稿论文,会议录用论文11篇。2017年11月第二届ISAIR2017 在日本北九州举办,大会共收到来自澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、法国、日本、澳门、韩国、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、台湾以及美国等11 个国家和地区的108 篇投稿论文,会议录用论文55 篇,其中口头报告约15 篇,墙报报告约40 篇,与会人数超过150 余人。2018年11月第三届ISAIR2018在中国南京举办,大会共收到来自奥地利,澳大利亚,中国,巴基斯坦,韩国等12个国家和地区的208篇投稿论文,会议录用论文70篇,其中口头报告8篇,墙报报告约62篇,与会人数超过300人。
Deadline for regular paper submissions
April 30, 2019
Notification of regular paper acceptance
May 30, 2019
Early registration of paper acceptance
June 1, 2019
Deadline of camera-ready version
August 15, 2019
Conference Date
August 20-24, 2019
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
・Active Sensing for Recongigurable Networks of Sensors
・Artificial Intelligence
・Behavioral Analysis of Robots
・Brain-Machine Interface
・Connectionist Learning for Robot Control
・Computer Vision
・Computational Perception and Action
・Cognitive Computing
・Distributed Robotics
・Fusion Algorithms
・Genetic Algorithm
・Human Activity Monitoring
・Human-Robot Cooperation
・Intelligent Agents
・Image Processing
・Internet of Things
・Mobile Manipulation
・Multi-Robot Localization and Mapping
・Multi-Robot Teleimmersion
・Multimedia Tools for Robotics
・Machine Learning
・Neural Networks
・Object Recognition
・Optimal Information Selection and Fusion
・Pattern Recognition
・Robotic Routers
・Robot Sensor Networks
・Robots as Data Mules
・Sensor Design and Placement
・Soft Computing
・Underwater Robots and Applications
・Vehicle Navigation and Localization
・Wireless Communications