Background and objective: Parotid gland tumors account for approximately 2% to 10% of head and neck tumors. Preoperative tumor localization, differential diagnosis, and subsequent selection of appropriate treatment for parotid gland tumors are critical. However, the relative rarity of these tumors and the highly dispersed tissue types have left an unmet need for a subtle differential diagnosis of such neoplastic lesions based on preoperative radiomics. Recently, deep learning methods have developed rapidly, especially Transformer beats the traditional convolutional neural network in computer vision. Many new Transformer-based networks have been proposed for computer vision tasks. Methods: In this study, multicenter multimodal parotid gland MR images were collected. The Swin-Unet which was based on Transformer was used. MR images of short time inversion recovery, T1-weighted and T2-weighted modalities were combined into three-channel data to train the network. We achieved segmentation of the region of interest for parotid gland and tumor. Results: The Dice-Similarity Coefficient of the model on the test set was 88.63%, Mean Pixel Accuracy was 99.31%, Mean Intersection over Union was 83.99%, and Hausdorff Distance was 3.04. Then a series of comparison experiments were designed in this paper to further validate the segmentation performance of the algorithm. Conclusions: Experimental results showed that our method has good results for parotid gland and tumor segmentation. The Transformer-based network outperforms the traditional convolutional neural network in the field of medical images.
翻译:背景和目标: Parotid gland 肿瘤占头部和颈部肿瘤的大约2%-10%。 预发肿瘤本地化、 差别诊断和随后选择对 Parotid gland 肿瘤的适当治疗至关重要。 然而, 这些肿瘤和高度分散的组织类型相对罕见, 使得对基于预发性放射的这种肿瘤损伤进行细微差别诊断的需要没有得到满足。 最近, 深层次的学习方法迅速发展, 特别是变异器击败了计算机视觉中传统的脉冲神经网络。 许多基于变异器的新网络已被提议用于计算机视觉任务。 方法: 在本次研究中, 收集了多中心型货币变异型酸甘蓝 mother 图像。 使用了基于变异器的Swin- Unet 。 短时间恢复、 T1 加权和 T2- 加权模式被合并为三层数据来培训网络。 我们实现了对古陆和肿瘤传统神经神经网络的兴趣区域的分化。 结果: 以Dice- Silveration为主的变异性网络模型在轨测测图中为88- 63, IMexlialalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal- rodudeal rodudududududududududududududeal 。 。 这个的模型的模型的模型的模型的模型是Acal- 3, rodududududududeal 3, 3, 3。 rodudeal- 3, 3。 3 3 rodududududududude 3 roduction roduction roduction法是一种对数值是用于的模型的模型是Acismal- exal- sal- exal- roductionalalal- exal- exal- exalalalalalalalal- exal-rictionalmentalmentalmentalmental- rial- sal- salalalalal- rial- sal- sal- sal- sal- sal- sal- sal- sal- sal- salismal- sal- sal- exal- sal-