Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are information processing architectures for signals supported on graphs. They are presented here as generalizations of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in which individual layers contain banks of graph convolutional filters instead of banks of classical convolutional filters. Otherwise, GNNs operate as CNNs. Filters are composed with pointwise nonlinearities and stacked in layers. It is shown that GNN architectures exhibit equivariance to permutation and stability to graph deformations. These properties help explain the good performance of GNNs that can be observed empirically. It is also shown that if graphs converge to a limit object, a graphon, GNNs converge to a corresponding limit object, a graphon neural network. This convergence justifies the transferability of GNNs across networks with different number of nodes. Concepts are illustrated by the application of GNNs to recommendation systems, decentralized collaborative control, and wireless communication networks.
翻译:神经网络图(GNNs) 是图中支持的信号的信息处理结构。 这里显示的是, GNN 结构显示对图形变异性和稳定性的图像变形。 这些属性有助于解释GNNs的良好性能, 可以从实验上观测到。 还显示, 如果图形组合到一个限制对象, 一个图形, GNNs会聚集到一个相应的限制对象, 一个图形神经网络。 这种趋同使得GNNs可以通过不同节点的网络转移。 概念通过GNNs对建议系统的应用、 分散的协作控制和无线通信网络来说明。