Uncertainty quantification in causal inference settings with random network interference is a challenging open problem. We study the large sample distributional properties of the classical difference-in-means Hajek treatment effect estimator, and propose a robust inference procedure for the (conditional) direct average treatment effect, allowing for cross-unit interference in both the outcome and treatment equations. Leveraging ideas from statistical physics, we introduce a novel Ising model capturing interference in the treatment assignment, and then obtain three main results. First, we establish a Berry-Esseen distributional approximation pointwise in the degree of interference generated by the Ising model. Our distributional approximation recovers known results in the literature under no-interference in treatment assignment, and also highlights a fundamental fragility of inference procedures developed using such a pointwise approximation. Second, we establish a uniform distributional approximation for the Hajek estimator, and develop robust inference procedures that remain valid regardless of the unknown degree of interference in the Ising model. Third, we propose a novel resampling method for implementation of robust inference procedure. A key technical innovation underlying our work is a new \textit{De-Finetti Machine} that facilitates conditional i.i.d. Gaussianization, a technique that may be of independent interest in other settings.