The Artemis program requires robotic and crewed lunar rovers for resource prospecting and exploitation, construction and maintenance of facilities, and human exploration. These rovers must support navigation for 10s of kilometers (km) from base camps. A lunar science rover mission concept - Endurance-A, has been recommended by the new Decadal Survey as the highest priority medium-class mission of the Lunar Discovery and Exploration Program, and would be required to traverse approximately 2000 km in the South Pole-Aitkin (SPA) Basin, with individual drives of several kilometers between stops for downlink. These rover mission scenarios require functionality that provides onboard, autonomous, global position knowledge ( aka absolute localization). However, planetary rovers have no onboard global localization capability to date; they have only used relative localization, by integrating combinations of wheel odometry, visual odometry, and inertial measurements during each drive to track position relative to the start of each drive. In this work, we summarize recent developments from the LunarNav project, where we have developed algorithms and software to enable lunar rovers to estimate their global position and heading on the Moon with a goal performance of position error less than 5 meters (m) and heading error less than 3-degree, 3-sigma, in sunlit areas. This will be achieved autonomously onboard by detecting craters in the vicinity of the rover and matching them to a database of known craters mapped from orbit. The overall technical framework consists of three main elements: 1) crater detection, 2) crater matching, and 3) state estimation. In previous work, we developed crater detection algorithms for three different sensing modalities. Our results suggest that rover localization with an error less than 5 m is highly probable during daytime operations.
翻译:Artemis 程序需要机器人和机组的月球流动器,用于资源勘探和开发、设施建设和维护以及人类勘探。这些流动器必须支持基地营地10公里长(公里)的导航。 新的Decadal调查推荐的月球科学巡航任务概念- Endurance-A是月球发现和探索方案最优先的中层任务,并且需要在南极-艾特金(SPA)盆地绕行大约2000公里左右的月球流转,各站之间有几公里的下行链路。 这些巡航任务情景需要提供机上、自主和全球位置知识的功能(aka 绝对本地化 )。 然而,行星巡航巡航巡航巡航任务概念概念- Endurance-A 被新的月球定位系统推荐为全球本地化能力; 它们仅仅使用相对本地化的相对本地化, 将轮轮航测、 直径测和惯航轨道的轨测量方法结合起来, 在已知的每日航程中, 我们总结的是来自月球轨道项目的最近进展, 和软件 3 方向的轨测距 轨道测算 3 的轨道测算 显示比我们的轨测程 3 的轨道测算 的轨道测算 的轨道 方向的轨道 3 方向的轨道测算 的轨道 方向的轨距比我们的轨距差差差差差差差差差差差差差差 低于差 的轨道 的轨差 的轨道 的轨距差差差差差 低于我们 3 3 的轨距差差差差差差差差为 。