With the application of high-frequency communication and extremely large MIMO (XL-MIMO), the near-field effect has become increasingly apparent. The near-field channel estimation and position estimation problems both rely on the Angle of Arrival (AoA) and the Curvature of Arrival (CoA) estimation. However, in the near-field channel model, the coupling of AoA and CoA information poses a challenge to the estimation of the near-field channel. This paper proposes a Joint Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation (JAC) scheme to decouple AoA and CoA estimation. Based on the JAC scheme, we propose two specific near-field estimation algorithms, namely Inverse Sinc Function (JAC-ISF) and Gradient Descent (JAC-GD) algorithms. Finally, we analyzed the time complexity of the JAC scheme and the cramer-rao lower bound (CRLB) for near-field position estimation. The simulation experiment results show that the algorithm designed based on JAC scheme can solve the problem of coupled CoA and AoA information in near-field estimation, thereby improving the algorithm performance. The JAC-GD algorithm shows significant performance in channel estimation and position estimation at different SNRs, snapshot points, and communication distances compared to other algorithms. This indicates that the JAC-GD algorithm can achieve more accurate channel and position estimation results while saving time overhead.