We consider a setting of non-cooperative communication where a receiver wants to recover randomly generated sequences of symbols that are observed by a strategic sender. The sender aims to maximize an average utility that may not align with the recovery criterion of the receiver, whereby the received signals may not be truthful. We pose this problem as a sequential game between the sender and the receiver with the receiver as the leader and determine `achievable strategies' for the receiver that attain arbitrarily small probability of error for large blocklengths. We show the existence of such achievable strategies under a sufficient condition on the utility of the sender. For the case of the binary alphabet, this condition is also necessary, in the absence of which, the probability of error goes to one for all choices of strategies of the receiver. We show that for reliable recovery, the receiver chooses to correctly decode only a subset of messages received from the sender and deliberately makes an error on messages outside this subset. Due to this decoding strategy, despite a clean channel, our setting exhibits a notion of maximum rate of communication above which the probability of error may not vanish asymptotically and in certain cases, may even tend to one. For the case of the binary alphabet, the maximum rate may be strictly less than unity for certain classes of utilities.