High-resolution (HR) MRI is critical in assisting the doctor's diagnosis and image-guided treatment but is highly time-consuming and costly to acquire. Therefore, deep learning-based super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) has been investigated to generate super-resolution images from low-resolution (LR) images. Training such neural networks requires authentic HR and LR image pairs, which are difficult to acquire due to patient movement during and between the acquisitions of LR and HR images. Rigid movements of hard tissues can be corrected with image registration. In contrast, the alignment of deformed soft tissues is challenging, making it impractical to train neural networks with authentic HR and LR image pairs. Existing studies in the literature focused on SRR using authentic HR images and down-sampled synthetic LR images. Yet, the difference in degradation representations between synthetic and authentic LR images suppresses the quality of SRR from authentic LR images. In this work, we propose a novel Unsupervised Degradation Adaptation Network (UDEAN) to mitigate this problem. Our network consists of the degradation learning network and the SRR network. The degradation learning network down-samples the HR images by addressing the degradation representation of the misaligned or unpaired LR images. The SRR network learns the mapping from the down-sampled HR images to the original ones. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art networks and can potentially be applied in real clinical settings.
翻译:高分辨率(HR) MRI是协助医生诊断和图像制导治疗的关键,但需要花费大量时间和费用才能获得。因此,已经调查了深入学习的超分辨率重建(SRR),以便从低分辨率(LR)图像中生成超分辨率图像。培训这类神经网络需要真实的HR和LR图像配对,由于LR图像和HR图像的获取期间和之间病人的移动,很难获得真实的HR和LR图像配对。硬组织硬性移动可以通过图像登记加以纠正。相比之下,变形软组织对齐具有挑战性,使得用真实的HR和LR图像配对培训神经网络变得不切实际不切实际。在以SRR为主的文献中,使用真实的HR图像和低印合成LR图像配对现有研究。然而,合成和真实的LR图像配对的退化表现会影响SRR图像的品质质量。在这项工作中,我们建议建立一个新型的不超强的退化适应网络(UDEAR)来缓解这一问题。我们的网络由退化学习网络和SRRR网络应用的SRRER网络组成。 退化式图像配制图像的退化图制,学习网络显示的图像配置。