Microsurgery is a particularly impactful yet challenging form of surgery. Robot assisted microsurgery has the potential to improve surgical dexterity and enable precise operation on such small scales in ways not previously possible. Intraocular microsurgery is a particularly challenging domain in part due to the lack of dexterity that is achievable with rigid instruments inserted through the eye. In this work, we present a new design for a millimeter-scale, dexterous wrist intended for microsurgery applications. The wrist is created via a state-of-the-art two-photon-polymerization (2PP) microfabrication technique, enabling the wrist to be constructed of flexible material with complex internal geometries and critical features at the micron-scale. The wrist features a square cross section with side length of 1.25 mm and total length of 3.75 mm. The wrist has three tendons routed down its length which, when actuated by small-scale linear actuators, enable bending in any plane. We present an integrated gripper actuated by a fourth tendon routed down the center of the robot. We evaluate the wrist and gripper by characterizing its bend-angle. We achieve more than 90 degrees bending in both axes. We demonstrate out of plane bending as well as the robot's ability to grip while actuated. Our integrated gripper/tendon-driven continuum robot design and meso-scale assembly techniques have the potential to enable small-scale wrists with more dexterity than has been previously demonstrated. Such a wrist could improve surgeon capabilities during teleoperation with the potential to improve patient outcomes in a variety of surgical applications, including intraocular surgery.