Social media platforms curate access to information and opportunities, and so play a critical role in shaping public discourse today. The opaque nature of the algorithms these platforms use to curate content raises societal questions. Prior studies have used black-box methods to show that these algorithms can lead to biased or discriminatory outcomes. However, existing auditing methods face fundamental limitations because they function independent of the platforms. Concerns of potential harm have prompted proposal of legislation in both the U.S. and the E.U. to mandate a new form of auditing where vetted external researchers get privileged access to social media platforms. Unfortunately, to date there have been no concrete technical proposals to provide such auditing, because auditing at scale risks disclosure of users' private data and platforms' proprietary algorithms. We propose a new method for platform-supported auditing that can meet the goals of the proposed legislation. Our first contribution is to enumerate the challenges of existing auditing methods to implement these policies at scale. Second, we suggest that limited, privileged access to relevance estimators is the key to enabling generalizable platform-supported auditing by external researchers. Third, we show platform-supported auditing need not risk user privacy nor disclosure of platforms' business interests by proposing an auditing framework that protects against these risks. For a particular fairness metric, we show that ensuring privacy imposes only a small constant factor increase (6.34x as an upper bound, and 4x for typical parameters) in the number of samples required for accurate auditing. Our technical contributions, combined with ongoing legal and policy efforts, can enable public oversight into how social media platforms affect individuals and society by moving past the privacy-vs-transparency hurdle.
翻译:社交媒体平台可以帮助公众了解信息和机会,从而在当今公共对话中发挥关键作用。这些平台用于翻译内容的算法的不透明性质提出了社会问题。先前的研究已经使用了黑箱方法来表明这些算法可能导致偏向或歧视性结果。然而,现有的审计方法由于独立于平台运作而面临根本性的局限性。对潜在伤害的关切促使美国和欧盟提出新的审计形式,让经过审查的外部研究人员能够以特权进入社交媒体平台。不幸的是,迄今为止,这些平台用于翻译的算法不透明,这引起了社会问题。由于在规模上审计披露用户的私人数据和平台的专有算法的风险,这些算法已经使用了黑箱方法来表明这些算法可能导致偏差或歧视性结果。然而,我们的第一个贡献是列举现有审计方法在规模上所面临的挑战。 其次,我们建议,只有有限、最优先的关联性估算工具才能让外部研究人员获得通用平台支持的审计。第三,我们表示,平台支持的审计不需要风险用户隐私或公开平台自有产权的算法。我们提出了一个持续审计框架,从而保护持续进行审计的社会风险。</s>