There is a trilemma in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF): the incompatibility between highly diverse contexts, low labeling cost, and reliable alignment performance. Here we aim to mitigate such incompatibility through the design of dataset information structures during reward modeling, and meanwhile propose new, generalizable methods of analysis that have wider applications, including potentially shedding light on goal misgeneralization. Specifically, we first reexamine the RLHF process and propose a theoretical framework portraying it as an autoencoding process over text distributions. Our framework formalizes the RLHF objective of ensuring distributional consistency between human preference and large language model (LLM) behavior. Based on this framework, we introduce a new method to model generalization in the reward modeling stage of RLHF, the induced Bayesian network (IBN). Drawing from random graph theory and causal analysis, it enables empirically grounded derivation of generalization error bounds, a key improvement over classical methods of generalization analysis. An insight from our analysis is the superiority of the tree-based information structure in reward modeling, compared to chain-based baselines in conventional RLHF methods. We derive that in complex contexts with limited data, the tree-based reward model (RM) induces up to $\Theta(\log n/\log\log n)$ times less variance than chain-based RM where $n$ is the dataset size. As validation, we demonstrate that on three NLP tasks, the tree-based RM achieves 65% win rate on average against chain-based baselines. Looking ahead, we hope to extend the IBN analysis to help understand the phenomenon of goal misgeneralization.