We prove the expected disturbance caused to a quantum system by a sequence of randomly ordered two-outcome projective measurements is upper bounded by the square root of the probability that at least one measurement in the sequence accepts. We call this bound the Gentle Random Measurement Lemma. We also extend the techniques used to prove this lemma to develop protocols for problems in which we are given sample access to an unknown state $\rho$ and asked to estimate properties of the accepting probabilities $\text{Tr}[M_i \rho]$ of a set of measurements $\{M_1, M_2, ... , M_m\}$. We call these types of problems Quantum Event Learning Problems. In particular, we show randomly ordering projective measurements solves the Quantum OR problem, answering an open question of Aaronson. We also give a Quantum OR protocol which works on non-projective measurements and which outperforms both the random measurement protocol analyzed in this paper and the protocol of Harrow, Lin, and Montanaro. However, this protocol requires a more complicated type of measurement, which we call a Blended Measurement. When the total (summed) accepting probability of unlikely events is bounded, we show the random and blended measurement Quantum OR protocols developed in this paper can also be used to find a measurement $M_i$ such that $\text{Tr}[M_i \rho]$ is large. We call the problem of finding such a measurement Quantum Event Finding. Finally, we show Blended Measurements also give a sample-efficient protocol for Quantum Mean Estimation: a problem in which the goal is to estimate the average accepting probability of a set of measurements on an unknown state.
翻译:我们用随机订购的双向投影测量序列对量子系统造成的预期扰动由序列中至少接受一种测量的概率的平方根所决定。 我们称之为“ 随机测量” Lemma。 我们还推广了用于证明这种量子的随机排序技术, 以制定用于解决我们抽样进入未知状态的问题的规程 $\ rho$ [M_i\r] [M_r}[M_i\r]$] 一组测量[M__1, M_2,......, M_ho_$] 的随机测算结果的属性。 我们称之为“量测”的概率的平方根值。 这个协议需要一种更复杂的度量测方法, 我们用这种测算方法来显示一个不测度的概率。 我们用量测算的量的量的量子或量度的概率, 我们用这种测算的量的平流度的概率是“平方”