项目名称: 室内甲醛暴露在儿童白血病发病中的基因-环境交互作用研究
项目编号: No.30801345
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 轻工业、手工业
项目作者: 杨友
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 儿童白血病与室内环境污染的关系越来越引起人们的关注。采用病例-对照研究,针对环境代谢和DNA修复中的多个酶的易感基因单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)及家庭环境问卷调查和室内环境污染物的实际检测,探讨室内环境包括甲醛暴露在儿童白血病发病中的基因-环境交互作用。研究结果显示,1)室内现场检测的甲醛和氡浓度病例组(N=62)高于对照组(N=115)(二者P<0.02);2)问卷调查的Logistic回归结果表明,冬天睡眠时门窗紧闭,不使用抽油烟机和使用杀虫剂与儿童白血病的发病相关(p<0.05);3)SNPs检测表明,CYP2E1 -1294 G>C,GSTM1null,GSTT1null,MGMT Ex7+13A>G,MPO -463 G>A基因型与儿童白血病发病相关(p<0.05);4)基因环境交互作用分析显示冬天睡眠时关门窗习惯和XRCC3 IVS8+19T>G(OR=2.8,P=0.03),杀虫剂和CYP2E1 -1294G>C(OR=3.67,P=0.016)与儿童白血病的发病相关。研究表明室内装修污染物及与易感基因的交互作用与儿童白血病发病相关。为儿童白血病的发病机制和预防提供依据。
中文关键词: 儿童白血病;室内环境污染;单核苷酸多态性;基因-环境交互作用
英文摘要: The relationship between childhood leukaemia and indoor environmental pollution more and more arouses the attention from people.Indoor environmental risk factors were evaluated by questionnaire and detection of indoor pollutants in design of a case-control study. SNPs and their association with childhood acute leukemia were analyzed based on candidate and validated genes susceptible to childhood acute leukemia. Interaction between environmental risk factors and SNPs was conducted. The results of study showed that,1) indoor formaldehyde level and radon level for patients(N=62) was higher than that for control group (N =115)(P<0.02); 2) closing door and window in winter during sleep, not using kitchen ventilator, indoor intisides were three environmental risk factors to childhood acute leukemia analyzed by conditional multiple regression model according to questionnaire investigation (p<0.05 ); 3)SNPs study showed that CYP2E1- 1294 G>C, GSTM1null, GSTT1null, MGMT Ex7 +13A>G, MPO- 463 G>A genotype correlated to children's leukaemia (p<0.05 ); 4)gene-environmental interaction study showed that closing doors and windows during sleep and XRCC3 IVS8 +19T>G (OR=2.8,P=0.03),insecticide and CYP2E1 - 1294G>C (OR =3.67,P =0.016) were associated with children's leukaemia. The results showed that interior decoration pollutant and its interaction with susceptibility genes play a role in children's leukaemia. This provide the evidence for preventing from childhood leukaemia.
英文关键词: childhood leukemia;indoor environmental pollution; SNPs; gene-environmental interaction