There is tremendous scope for improving the energy efficiency of embedded vision systems by incorporating programmable region-of-interest (ROI) readout in the image sensor design. In this work, we study how ROI programmability can be leveraged for tracking applications by anticipating where the ROI will be located in future frames and switching pixels off outside of this region. We refer to this process of ROI prediction and corresponding sensor configuration as adaptive subsampling. Our adaptive subsampling algorithms comprise an object detector and an ROI predictor (Kalman filter) which operate in conjunction to optimize the energy efficiency of the vision pipeline with the end task being object tracking. To further facilitate the implementation of our adaptive algorithms in real life, we select a candidate algorithm and map it onto an FPGA. Leveraging Xilinx Vitis AI tools, we designed and accelerated a YOLO object detector-based adaptive subsampling algorithm. In order to further improve the algorithm post-deployment, we evaluated several competing baselines on the OTB100 and LaSOT datasets. We found that coupling the ECO tracker with the Kalman filter has a competitive AUC score of 0.4568 and 0.3471 on the OTB100 and LaSOT datasets respectively. Further, the power efficiency of this algorithm is on par with, and in a couple of instances superior to, the other baselines. The ECO-based algorithm incurs a power consumption of approximately 4 W averaged across both datasets while the YOLO-based approach requires power consumption of approximately 6 W (as per our power consumption model). In terms of accuracy-latency tradeoff, the ECO-based algorithm provides near-real-time performance (19.23 FPS) while managing to attain competitive tracking precision.
翻译:在这项工作中,我们研究如何利用ROI程序来跟踪应用程序,预测ROI将位于未来框架中的位置,并切换该区域外的像素。我们把ROI预测和相应的传感器配置进程称为适应性亚抽样算法。我们的适应性子抽样算法包括一个天体探测器和一个可编程区域电流预测器(Kalman过滤器),该算法同时运作,以优化视觉管道的能效,最终任务为跟踪对象。为了进一步便利在现实生活中执行我们的适应性算法,我们选择了候选人算法并将其绘制在FPGA上。利用了Xilinx Vitis AI 工具,我们设计并加速了YOLO天体探测器的这一过程,作为基于适应性能的子抽样算法。为了进一步改进算法,我们评估了OTB100和LASOT数据集中的若干相互竞争的基线。我们发现,在OTBO值值值轨道上,OTLO值轨道上将OOO值的精确性能数据转换为OVA,同时对OTLA的竞争力数据进行亚性交易。