项目名称: TMS1基因响应高温胁迫和ER Stress的分子机制
项目编号: No.31470279
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 陈立群
作者单位: 中国农业大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 高温是影响植物生长发育的重要非生物胁迫因子之一。热休克蛋白Hsps作为分子伴侣,帮助蛋白质进行正确的折叠,响应高温胁迫以及细胞内的非折叠蛋白胁迫。我们在前期工作中筛选到一个温敏不育的雄配子体型突变体tms1,在高温条件下,花粉管的萌发和生长受到抑制,严重影响结实。突变基因TMS1编码定位在内质网腔中的DnaJ(Hsp40)蛋白,该蛋白具有二硫异构酶的活性。进一步的研究显示TMS1基因的表达不但受热胁迫的诱导,而且受ER Stress-UPR诱导。我们拟通过本项目利用细胞、遗传、生化和分子生物学等技术深入研究TMS1响应热胁迫和UPR的具体分子机制,分析该基因是否受HSF和bZIP转录因子的调控,解析TMS1参与的分子伴侣复合体,确定其在热胁迫和ER stress信号通路中的位置,探讨热激蛋白对花粉管生长发育的调控机制,增加对热激蛋白功能的了解,并为农业生产上雄性温敏不育系的筛选提供理论资料
中文关键词: TMS1;雄性不育;高温;ER;Stress;拟南芥
英文摘要: High temperature is one of the important abotic stress factors. As molecular chaperones, heat shock proteins (Hsps) facilitate protein folding, response to heat stress and cellular unfolded protein stress. tms1, a thermosentitive male sterile mutant had been isolated in our privious work. At higher temperature, the pollen tube growth of tms1 had been retarded resulting in a significant reduction in fertility. TMS1 encodes a ER lumen located DnaJ (Hsp40) protein with disulfide isomerases activity. Further study implied that the expression of TMS1 was inducied by heat shock and ER stress-UPR. In this project, we want to explore the detailed molecular mechanism for the response of TMS1 to heat stress and UPR by the technology of cell biology, genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology. At first, we will check if the expression TM1 gene is regulated by HSF or bZIP transcriptional factor . Then, TMS1 related chaperone complex will be identified. At last, the situation of TMS1 in the signal pathway of heat stress or ER stress will be achieved. By this project, we will try to discuss the regulational mechanism of the heat shock protein on the pollen tube growth in order to understand more functions of heat shock protein and provide the new academic data for isolating thermosentitive male sterile line in agricultural production.
英文关键词: TMS1;male sterile;high temperature;ER Stress;Arabidopsis