项目名称: SKA单波束宽带馈源关键技术研究
项目编号: No.11503049
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 马月
作者单位: 中国科学院国家天文台
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 单波束宽带馈源研究是目前平方公里阵SKA(Square Kilometre Array)建设准备阶段先进仪器项目中开展研究的关键技术。其目的是扩大单个接收机的频率覆盖,同时将减少接收机数目,在建设和运行维护阶段有重要意义。本项目结合目前国内外宽带馈源、制冷机技术和SKA项目宽带馈源的应用趋势,选取四脊喇叭馈源作为本项目直接的技术参考。拟研究将维瓦尔第(Vivaldi)型超宽带馈源关键技术应用在射电天文望远镜SKA来实现单波束宽带馈源接收机Band B 4.8-24GHz的工作频段。主要利用Vivaldi天线的陷波特性及数值分析法、遗传算法、馈源结构模型剖析法与电磁仿真软件地有效结合建立三维模型优化馈源性能,实现高性能馈源接收机样机与已完成的SKA DVAC天线样机的观测验证。从而,为SKA 先进仪器项目的研究提供可能的选择。
中文关键词: 射电望远镜;单波束宽带馈源;维瓦尔第;陷波特性;遗传算法
英文摘要: WBSPF(Wide Band Single Pixel Feed) is the key technology and solution in SKA Pre-construction Phase AIP(Advanced Instrument Program). The aim of WBSPF is to achieve wide band and decrease the number of used receiever systems. It plays an important role in SKA Pre-construction Phase, SKA Construction and Maintenance Phase. The project is based on the current technologies on Wide Band Feed Design and Cryogenic Design, Wide Band Feed application tendency of SKA. Quad-Ridged Flared Horn Feed is a direct technical reference for the project. Vivaldi type feed will be studied to meet the Wide Band Single Pixel Feed receiver system on Band B 4.8-24GHz. It mainly apply Vivaldi corrugated theory,numerical analysis, genetic algorithm, partial model analysis and electromagnetic simulation software to establish three-dimensional model and optimize the antenna performance, Prototype Feed verification with SKA DVAC antenna ,in order to ensure the requirements of SKA AIP receiever system.
英文关键词: Radio Telescope;Wide Band Single Pixiel Feed;Vivaldi ;Corrugated Theory;Genetic Algorithm