Ensuring fairness in machine learning, particularly in human-centric applications, extends beyond algorithmic bias to encompass fairness in privacy, specifically the equitable distribution of privacy risk. This is critical in federated learning (FL), where decentralized data necessitates balanced privacy preservation across clients. We introduce FinP, a framework designed to achieve fairness in privacy by mitigating disproportionate exposure to source inference attacks (SIA). FinP employs a dual approach: (1) server-side adaptive aggregation to address unfairness in client contributions in global model, and (2) client-side regularization to reduce client vulnerability. This comprehensive strategy targets both the symptoms and root causes of privacy unfairness. Evaluated on the Human Activity Recognition (HAR) and CIFAR-10 datasets, FinP demonstrates ~20% improvement in fairness in privacy on HAR with minimal impact on model utility, and effectively mitigates SIA risks on CIFAR-10, showcasing its ability to provide fairness in privacy in FL systems without compromising performance.