Due to the scarcity of sampling data in reality, few-shot object detection (FSOD) has drawn more and more attention because of its ability to quickly train new detection concepts with less data. However, there are still failure identifications due to the difficulty in distinguishing confusable classes. We also notice that the high standard deviation of average precisions reveals the inconsistent detection performance. To this end, we propose a novel FSOD method with Refined Contrastive Learning (FSRC). A pre-determination component is introduced to find out the Resemblance Group (GR) from novel classes which contains confusable classes. Afterwards, refined contrastive learning (RCL) is pointedly performed on this group of classes in order to increase the inter-class distances among them. In the meantime, the detection results distribute more uniformly which further improve the performance. Experimental results based on PASCAL VOC and COCO datasets demonstrate our proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the-art research. FSRC can not only decouple the relevance of confusable classes to get a better performance, but also makes predictions more consistent by reducing the standard deviation of the AP of classes to be detected.
翻译:由于缺少实际的抽样数据,少发物体探测(FSOD)由于能够以较少的数据迅速训练新的探测概念而引起越来越多的关注,然而,由于难以区分可互换的等级,仍然有无法辨别的情况。我们还注意到,平均精确度的标准偏差高,表明探测性能不一。为此,我们提议采用新的FSOD方法,采用精密的反竞争学习方法(FSRC)。引入了先决部分,以便从包含可互换类的新类中找到复选组。随后,对这一类中进行了精细化的对比学习(RCL),以提高它们之间的距离。与此同时,检测结果的分布更加一致,从而进一步改善了性能。基于PACAL VOC和COCO数据集的实验结果表明,我们所提议的方法超越了目前的最新研究。FSRC不仅可以分解可互换类中的适切性,而且通过降低AP类的标准偏差度来提高性能,而且还可以作出更加一致的预测。