This paper presents a novel tool, named Rampo, that can perform binary code analysis to identify cyber kinetic vulnerabilities in CPS. The tool takes as input a Signal Temporal Logic (STL) formula that describes the kinetic effect, i.e., the behavior of the physical system, that one wants to avoid. The tool then searches the possible cyber trajectories in the binary code that may lead to such physical behavior. This search integrates binary code analysis tools and hybrid systems falsification tools using a Counter-Example Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) approach. Rampo starts by analyzing the binary code to extract symbolic constraints that represent the different paths in the code. These symbolic constraints are then passed to a Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver to extract the range of control signals that can be produced by each path in the code. The next step is to search over possible physical trajectories using a hybrid systems falsification tool that adheres to the behavior of the cyber paths and yet leads to violations of the STL formula. Since the number of cyber paths that need to be explored increases exponentially with the length of physical trajectories, we iteratively perform refinement of the cyber path constraints based on the previous falsification result and traverse the abstract path tree obtained from the control program to explore the search space of the system. To illustrate the practical utility of binary code analysis in identifying cyber kinetic vulnerabilities, we present case studies from diverse CPS domains, showcasing how they can be discovered in their control programs. Our tool could compute the same number of vulnerabilities while leading to a speedup that ranges from 3x to 98x.