Data-driven methods open up unprecedented possibilities for maritime surveillance using Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. In this work, we explore deep learning strategies using historical AIS observations to address the problem of predicting future vessel trajectories with a prediction horizon of several hours. We propose novel sequence-to-sequence vessel trajectory prediction models based on encoder-decoder recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that are trained on historical trajectory data to predict future trajectory samples given previous observations. The proposed architecture combines Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) RNNs for sequence modeling to encode the observed data and generate future predictions with different intermediate aggregation layers to capture space-time dependencies in sequential data. Experimental results on vessel trajectories from an AIS dataset made freely available by the Danish Maritime Authority show the effectiveness of deep-learning methods for trajectory prediction based on sequence-to-sequence neural networks, which achieve better performance than baseline approaches based on linear regression or on the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture. The comparative evaluation of results shows: i) the superiority of attention pooling over static pooling for the specific application, and ii) the remarkable performance improvement that can be obtained with labeled trajectories, i.e., when predictions are conditioned on a low-level context representation encoded from the sequence of past observations, as well as on additional inputs (e.g., port of departure or arrival) about the vessel's high-level intention, which may be available from AIS.
翻译:数据驱动方法为利用自动识别系统数据进行海洋监测开辟了前所未有的可能性。在这项工作中,我们利用历史的自动识别系统观测探索深层次学习战略,以解决预测数小时的预测前景预测未来船只轨迹的问题。我们提出了基于编目-脱coder经常神经网络(RNN)的新颖的从顺序到顺序的船舶轨迹预测模型,这些模型经过历史轨迹数据培训,以预测以往观测中的未来轨迹样本。拟议的结构将长期短期内存(LSTM)RNN(长期短期内存)(长期内存)用于模拟观测观测数据,并用不同的中间集层作出未来预测,以捕捉连续数据中的时空依赖性。丹麦海事管理局免费提供的AIS数据集对船舶轨迹轨迹预测的实验结果显示,基于从历史轨迹数据到顺序的深度预测方法,其性能优于基于线性回归或多LA-LP(MP)结构的基线方法。 比较结果评估显示,在对目的地的离差值进行观察时,将注意力的高度集中在固定序列上,可以将固定的船面的轨迹测为以往。