Knowing the locations of nearby moving objects is important for a mobile robot to operate safely in a dynamic environment. Dynamic object tracking performance can be improved if robots share observations of tracked objects with nearby team members in real-time. To share observations, a robot must make up-to-date estimates of the transformation from its coordinate frame to the frame of each neighbor, which can be challenging because of odometry drift. We present Multiple Object Tracking with Localization Error Elimination (MOTLEE), a complete system for a multi-robot team to accurately estimate frame transformations and collaboratively track dynamic objects. To accomplish this, robots use open-set image-segmentation methods to build object maps of their environment and then use our Temporally Consistent Alignment of Frames Filter (TCAFF) to align maps and estimate coordinate frame transformations without any initial knowledge of neighboring robot poses. We show that our method for aligning frames enables a team of four robots to collaboratively track six pedestrians with accuracy similar to that of a system with ground truth localization in a challenging hardware demonstration. The code and hardware dataset are available at