Classifier-free guidance is a key component for improving the performance of conditional generative models for many downstream tasks. It drastically improves the quality of samples produced, but has so far only been used for diffusion models. Flow Matching (FM), an alternative simulation-free approach, trains Continuous Normalizing Flows (CNFs) based on regressing vector fields. It remains an open question whether classifier-free guidance can be performed for Flow Matching models, and to what extent does it improve performance. In this paper, we explore the usage of Guided Flows for a variety of downstream applications involving conditional image generation, speech synthesis, and reinforcement learning. In particular, we are the first to apply flow models to the offline reinforcement learning setting. We also show that Guided Flows significantly improves the sample quality in image generation and zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis, and can make use of drastically low amounts of computation without affecting the agent's overall performance.