The well-known notion of dimension for partial orders by Dushnik and Miller allows to quantify the degree of incomparability and, thus, is regarded as a measure of complexity for partial orders. However, despite its usefulness, its definition is somewhat disconnected from the geometrical idea of dimension, where, essentially, the number of dimensions indicates how many real lines are required to represent the underlying partially ordered set. This notion is of particular importance in economics and physics, since it constitutes the system's degrees of freedom. Here, we introduce a new notion of dimension for partial orders called Debreu dimension, a variation of the Dushnik-Miller dimension that is closer to geometry and is based on Debreu separable linear extensions. Our main results are the following: (i) under some countability restrictions, Debreu separable linear extensions can be obtained as the limit of a sequence of partial orders that extend the original one and, moreover, linear extensions can be constructed in a similar fashion from monotones, and (ii) the Debreu dimension is countable if and only if countable multi-utilities exist, although there are partial orders with finite multi-utilities where the Debreu dimension is countably infinite. As an application of (ii), we improve on the classification of preorders through real-valued monotones by showing that there are preorders where finite multi-utilities exist and finite strict monotone multi-utilities do not.
翻译:众所周知的杜什尼克和米勒部分订单的维度概念在经济学和物理学中特别重要,因为它构成系统的自由度。在这里,我们引入了一个新的维度概念,称为Debreu维度,Dushnik-Miller维度的变异接近于几何测量度,并基于Debreu 的线性扩展。我们的主要结果如下:(一) 在一些可计算性限制下,Debreu可分离的线性扩展可以作为延长原始单数的部分顺序的限度获得,此外,线性扩展可以从单数中以类似的方式构建,以及(二) Debreu维度的维度是可计算多用途的,而Dushnik-Miller维度的变异性则更接近于几何测量度,并以Debreu-Millerable线性扩展为基础。我们的主要结果如下:(一) 在可计算性限制下,Debreu可分离线性扩展的线性扩展是扩展前的多级级(在可计量性定数级前,我们可追溯性定性定数前的多级前的定数级),在多级前,在可变易定级前的等定定数级前。