While self-supervised learning has made rapid advances in natural language processing, it remains unclear when researchers should engage in resource-intensive domain-specific pretraining (domain pretraining). The law, puzzlingly, has yielded few documented instances of substantial gains to domain pretraining in spite of the fact that legal language is widely seen to be unique. We hypothesize that these existing results stem from the fact that existing legal NLP tasks are too easy and fail to meet conditions for when domain pretraining can help. To address this, we first present CaseHOLD (Case Holdings On Legal Decisions), a new dataset comprised of over 53,000+ multiple choice questions to identify the relevant holding of a cited case. This dataset presents a fundamental task to lawyers and is both legally meaningful and difficult from an NLP perspective (F1 of 0.4 with a BiLSTM baseline). Second, we assess performance gains on CaseHOLD and existing legal NLP datasets. While a Transformer architecture (BERT) pretrained on a general corpus (Google Books and Wikipedia) improves performance, domain pretraining (using corpus of approximately 3.5M decisions across all courts in the U.S. that is larger than BERT's) with a custom legal vocabulary exhibits the most substantial performance gains with CaseHOLD (gain of 7.2% on F1, representing a 12% improvement on BERT) and consistent performance gains across two other legal tasks. Third, we show that domain pretraining may be warranted when the task exhibits sufficient similarity to the pretraining corpus: the level of performance increase in three legal tasks was directly tied to the domain specificity of the task. Our findings inform when researchers should engage resource-intensive pretraining and show that Transformer-based architectures, too, learn embeddings suggestive of distinct legal language.
翻译:虽然自我监督的学习在自然语言处理方面取得了快速的进步,但目前还不清楚研究人员何时应当参与资源密集型特定域的预培训(业前培训 ) 。 法律令人费解地证明,尽管法律语言被广泛认为是独特的,但在预培训方面却很少有文件证明在预培训方面取得实质性进展。 我们假设,这些现有成果来自以下事实:现有的法律国家语言方案任务过于简单,无法满足域前培训能够帮助的条件。 为了解决这个问题,我们首先将CaseHOLD (Case Holds on Legal decisions) (Case HOLD (Case Holdings on Legal Developments) (Case Holds on Levelopments) (Case Lavelop Regilies ) (由53000 + 多重选择问题构成的新数据集, 以识别相关案例的举行。这一数据集对律师来说是一项基本任务,而且从NLP(FLSTM基线为0.4) 。 其次,我们评估CHOLLLD和现有法律数据库前数据集的绩效。 虽然变换式架构(G) 3 Areal Streal Stal Stal Stal lax lax) 任务中, lax a lex lex liver lexal lex lexal lex lex lexal lex lexal lexal lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex levelut theslatesl) lex lax levelut thesldalsldalsalsalsalsalsalsl, lautd, lautdalsl, lex lautsldal lex lex, lex,但 lex lex lex lex lex lautd,我们可以提前 12,但我们Ud lex lex learsal 12,但我们GLD1,我们学习前的变的更是三比12,但我们的更是