We consider the problem of average consensus in a distributed system comprising a set of nodes that can exchange information among themselves. We focus on a class of algorithms for solving such a problem whereby each node maintains a state and updates it iteratively as a linear combination of the states maintained by its in-neighbors, i.e., nodes from which it receives information directly. Averaging algorithms within this class can be thought of as discrete-time linear time-varying systems without external driving inputs and whose state matrix is column stochastic. As a result, the algorithms exhibit a global invariance property in that the sum of the state variables remains constant at all times. In this paper, we report on another invariance property for the aforementioned class of averaging algorithms. This property is local to each node and reflects the conservation of certain quantities capturing an aggregate of all the values received by a node from its in-neighbors and all the values sent by said node to its out-neighbors (i.e., nodes to which it sends information directly) throughout the execution of the averaging algorithm. We show how this newly-discovered invariant can be leveraged for detecting errors while executing the averaging algorithm.