The original formulation of de Finetti's theorem says that an exchangeable sequence of Bernoulli random variables is a mixture of iid sequences of random variables. Following the work of Hewitt and Savage, this theorem was previously known for several classes of exchangeable random variables (for instance, for Baire measurable random variables taking values in a compact Hausdorff space, and for Borel measurable random variables taking values in a Polish space). Under an assumption of the underlying common distribution being Radon, we show that de Finetti's theorem holds for a sequence of Borel measurable exchangeable random variables taking values in any Hausdorff space. This includes and generalizes the previously known versions of de Finetti's theorem. Furthermore, it shows that the theorem is explainable as a consequence of the nature of the distribution of the exchangeable random variables as opposed to the topological nature of their state space, which do not play a key role. Using known relative consistency results from set theory, this also shows that it is consistent with the axioms of ZFC that de Finetti's theorem holds for all sequences of exchangeable random variables taking values in any complete metric space. We use nonstandard analysis to first study the empirical measures induced by hyperfinitely many identically distributed random variables, which leads to a proof of de Finetti's theorem in great generality while retaining the combinatorial intuition of proofs of simpler versions of de Finetti's theorem. An overview of the requisite tools from nonstandard measure theory and topological meeasure theory is provided, with some new perspectives built at the interface between these fields as part of that overview. One highlight of this development is a new generalization of Prokhorov's theorem.
翻译:De Finetti 理论的原始配方是, Bernoulli 随机变量的可互换序列是随机变量的杂交序列。根据Hewitt 和 Savage 的计算,这个理论以前为几类可互换随机变量所著称(例如,Baire 测量随机变量,在压缩的Hausdorf 空间中取值,Borel 可计量随机变量,在波兰空间中取值 ) 的原始配方为Radon 。根据一个假设,De Feintti 的常识分布为Borel 可互换随机变量的序列,在任何Hausdorf 空间空间空间空间空间空间空间的可计量非易变数中,这包括并概括了先前已知版本的版本。此外,这些可互换随机随机随机变量的分布是其状态空间的特性的结果,而其状态空间的表面特性则不发挥关键作用。根据设定理论已知的相对一致性结果,这也表明它符合ZFC的完整可互换性可互换性非交换性,在Sintettti's Stal Stal Stalslorti's 的理论中, 在Oral de Stalstalstalstal de Stal dealti's deal deal dexld ex laxisl dexm laxm laxm lax ex disl disal disal disal dex ex lax sal dex sal dex sal dexmal degal dexmal degal degal dex smatimal degal dex sal dex salds laxmalds lax ex sal dismax ex sal de ex sal de sal de ex sal ex sal dal de ex sal dal dal ex sal sal exal de ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex