Given a graph $G$ and an integer $k$, Max Min FVS asks whether there exists a minimal set of vertices of size at least $k$ whose deletion destroys all cycles. We present several results that improve upon the state of the art of the parameterized complexity of this problem with respect to both structural and natural parameters. Using standard DP techniques, we first present an algorithm of time $\textrm{tw}^{O(\textrm{tw})}n^{O(1)}$, significantly generalizing a recent algorithm of Gaikwad et al. of time $\textrm{vc}^{O(\textrm{vc})}n^{O(1)}$, where $\textrm{tw}, \textrm{vc}$ denote the input graph's treewidth and vertex cover respectively. Subsequently, we show that both of these algorithms are essentially optimal, since a $\textrm{vc}^{o(\textrm{vc})}n^{O(1)}$ algorithm would refute the ETH. With respect to the natural parameter $k$, the aforementioned recent work by Gaikwad et al. claimed an FPT branching algorithm with complexity $10^k n^{O(1)}$. We point out that this algorithm is incorrect and present a branching algorithm of complexity $9.34^k n^{O(1)}$.
翻译:根据一个GG$G$和整数美元,Max Min FVS询问是否存在一个最小的、规模至少等于K$的顶点,其删除会破坏所有周期。我们展示了一些结果,这些结果提高了这一问题在结构和自然参数方面的参数复杂性。使用标准的 DP 技术,我们首先提出了一个时间算法 $\ textrm{tw}O(\ textrm{trm{tw}}}n ⁇ O(1)},大大概括了最近Gaikwad 和其他时间的算法$\ textrm{vc}O(trm{vc}}}O)_O}}(n\\\\\\\\\\\k}O}美元,其中$\ textrm{tw},\textrm{vc}$(美元),其中分别提到了输入图的树线和顶点。随后,我们表明这两种算法基本上最理想,因为一个$\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\xL8\xLLLLLLA\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx。