A systematic framework for analyzing dynamical attributes of games has not been well-studied except for the special class of potential or near-potential games. In particular, the existing results have shortcomings in determining the asymptotic behavior of a given dynamic in a designated game. Although there is a large body literature on developing convergent dynamics to the Nash equilibrium (NE) of a game, in general, the asymptotic behavior of an underlying dynamic may not be even close to a NE. In this paper, we initiate a new direction towards game dynamics by studying the fundamental properties of the map of dynamics in games. To this aim, we first decompose the map of a given dynamic into contractive and non-contractive parts and then explore the asymptotic behavior of those dynamics using the proximity of such decomposition to contraction mappings. In particular, we analyze the non-contractive behavior for better/best response dynamics in discrete-action space sequential/repeated games and show that the non-contractive part of those dynamics is well-behaved in a certain sense. That allows us to estimate the asymptotic behavior of such dynamics using a neighborhood around the fixed point of their contractive part proxy. Finally, we demonstrate the practicality of our framework via an example from duopoly Cournot games.