In this work I test two calibration algorithms for the eSSVI volatility surface. The two algorithms are (i) the robust calibration algorithm proposed in Corbetta et al. (2019) and (ii) the calibration algorithm in Mingone (2022). For the latter I considered two types of weights in the objective function. I fitted 108 end-of-month SPXW options chains from the period 2012-2022. The option data come from FactSet. In addition to this empirical part, this paper contains also a theoretical contribution which is a sharpening of the Hendriks-Martini proposition about the existence of crossing points between two eSSVI slices.
翻译:在本研究中,我测试了两种eSSVI波动率表面的校准算法。这两种算法分别是Corbetta et al. (2019)提出的鲁棒校准算法和Mingone (2022)的校准算法。对于后者,我考虑了目标函数中两种类型的权重。我拟合了2012-2022年期间的108个月末SPXW期权链。期权数据来自FactSet。除了实证部分外,本文还包含了一项理论贡献,即对Hendriks-Martini关于存在两个eSSVI切片之间交叉点的命题进行了进一步论证。