The objective of continual learning (CL) is to learn tasks sequentially without retraining on earlier tasks. However, when subjected to CL, traditional neural networks exhibit catastrophic forgetting and limited generalization. To overcome these problems, we introduce a novel method called 'Gate and Obstruct Network' (GateON). GateON combines learnable gating of activity and online estimation of parameter relevance to safeguard crucial knowledge from being overwritten. Our method generates partially overlapping pathways between tasks which permits forward and backward transfer during sequential learning. GateON addresses the issue of network saturation after parameter fixation by a re-activation mechanism of fixed neurons, enabling large-scale continual learning. GateON is implemented on a wide range of networks (fully-connected, CNN, Transformers), has low computational complexity, effectively learns up to 100 MNIST learning tasks, and achieves top-tier results for pre-trained BERT in CL-based NLP tasks.