Computing the numerical solution to high-dimensional tensor differential equations can lead to prohibitive computational costs and memory requirements. To reduce the memory and computational footprint, dynamical low-rank approximation (DLRA) has proven to be a promising approach. DLRA represents the solution as a low-rank tensor factorization and evolves the resulting low-rank factors in time. A central challenge in DLRA is to find time integration schemes that are robust to the arising small singular values. A robust parallel basis update & Galerkin integrator, which simultaneously evolves all low-rank factors, has recently been derived for matrix differential equations. This work extends the parallel low-rank matrix integrator to Tucker tensors and general tree tensor networks, yielding an algorithm in which all bases and connecting tensors are evolved in parallel over a time step. We formulate the algorithm, provide a robust error bound, and demonstrate the efficiency of the new integrators for problems in quantum many-body physics, uncertainty quantification, and radiative transfer.