Machine learning applications such as finance and medicine demand accurate and justifiable predictions, barring most deep learning methods from use. In response, previous work combines decision trees with deep learning, yielding models that (1) sacrifice interpretability for accuracy or (2) sacrifice accuracy for interpretability. We forgo this dilemma by jointly improving accuracy and interpretability using Neural-Backed Decision Trees (NBDTs). NBDTs replace a neural network's final linear layer with a differentiable sequence of decisions and a surrogate loss. This forces the model to learn high-level concepts and lessens reliance on highly-uncertain decisions, yielding (1) accuracy: NBDTs match or outperform modern neural networks on CIFAR, ImageNet and better generalize to unseen classes by up to 16%. Furthermore, our surrogate loss improves the original model's accuracy by up to 2%. NBDTs also afford (2) interpretability: improving human trustby clearly identifying model mistakes and assisting in dataset debugging. Code and pretrained NBDTs are at
翻译:金融和医学等机器学习应用要求准确和合理的预测,不允许使用最深层次的学习方法。作为回应,先前的工作将决策树与深层次的学习结合起来,产生模型(1) 牺牲解释准确性,(2) 牺牲准确性,(2) 牺牲解释性。我们放弃这一两难困境,共同提高精确性和解释性,使用神经包装决定树(NBDTs)来提高准确性和解释性。NBDTs取代神经网络最后线性层,采用不同的决策序列和代谢性损失。这迫使模型学习高层次的概念,减少对高度不精确决定的依赖,产生(1) 准确性:(1) NBDTs在CIFAR、图像网络上匹配或超越现代神经网络,并更好地推广到高达16%的隐蔽班级。此外,我们的推测性损失将原始模型的准确性提高到2%。NBDDTs还提供(2) 可解释性:通过明确识别模型错误和协助数据解调。代码和预先培训的NBDDTDTs位于。