In existing CNN based detectors, the backbone network is a very important component for basic feature extraction, and the performance of the detectors highly depends on it. In this paper, we aim to achieve better detection performance by building a more powerful backbone from existing backbones like ResNet and ResNeXt. Specifically, we propose a novel strategy for assembling multiple identical backbones by composite connections between the adjacent backbones, to form a more powerful backbone named Composite Backbone Network (CBNet). In this way, CBNet iteratively feeds the output features of the previous backbone, namely high-level features, as part of input features to the succeeding backbone, in a stage-by-stage fashion, and finally the feature maps of the last backbone (named Lead Backbone) are used for object detection. We show that CBNet can be very easily integrated into most state-of-the-art detectors and significantly improve their performances. For example, it boosts the mAP of FPN, Mask R-CNN and Cascade R-CNN on the COCO dataset by about 1.5 to 3.0 percent. Meanwhile, experimental results show that the instance segmentation results can also be improved. Specially, by simply integrating the proposed CBNet into the baseline detector Cascade Mask R-CNN, we achieve a new state-of-the-art result on COCO dataset (mAP of 53.3) with single model, which demonstrates great effectiveness of the proposed CBNet architecture. Code will be made available on
翻译:在现有的CNN探测器中,主干网是基本地物提取的一个非常重要的组成部分,而探测器的性能高度依赖它。在本文中,我们的目标是通过从ResNet和ResNeXt等现有主干中建立一个更强大的主干,从ResNet和ResNeXt等现有主干中建立更强大的主干,从而实现更好的探测性能。具体地说,我们提出了一个新颖的战略,通过相邻主干网之间的复合连接,将多个相同的主干网集合起来,形成一个更强大的主干网,名为Compite Backbone网络(CBNet 网络) 。通过这种方式,CBNet反复地为前主干网的输出性能,即高层性能,作为未来主干网的投入性能的一部分,并且最终将最后一个主干网的地图(名为LEB BE BEB BB) 显示, CB-CR-NNN 和CR-CR-NC-C-CW 网络的模型和CB-CB-CR-C-CM-C-C-CM-CB-CRCFSD-CM-CM-C-CFSD-C-C-C-G-CFSD-CFSDR-S-S-S-SD-SDSDM-S-S-S-S-SD-SD-SDG-SB-S-S-S-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-S-S-S-S-SD-SD-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-SD-S-S-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-SDG-C-SD-SD-C-SD-SD-SD-SD-SD-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-SD-C-C-C-C-