Tactile sensing is essential for a variety of daily tasks. And recent advances in event-driven tactile sensors and Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) spur the research in related fields. However, SNN-enabled event-driven tactile learning is still in its infancy due to the limited representation abilities of existing spiking neurons and high spatio-temporal complexity in the event-driven tactile data. In this paper, to improve the representation capability of existing spiking neurons, we propose a novel neuron model called "location spiking neuron", which enables us to extract features of event-based data in a novel way. Specifically, based on the classical Time Spike Response Model (TSRM), we develop the Location Spike Response Model (LSRM). In addition, based on the most commonly-used Time Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (TLIF) model, we develop the Location Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LLIF) model. Moreover, to demonstrate the representation effectiveness of our proposed neurons and capture the complex spatio-temporal dependencies in the event-driven tactile data, we exploit the location spiking neurons to propose two hybrid models for event-driven tactile learning. Specifically, the first hybrid model combines a fully-connected SNN with TSRM neurons and a fully-connected SNN with LSRM neurons. And the second hybrid model fuses the spatial spiking graph neural network with TLIF neurons and the temporal spiking graph neural network with LLIF neurons. Extensive experiments demonstrate the significant improvements of our models over the state-of-the-art methods on event-driven tactile learning. Moreover, compared to the counterpart artificial neural networks (ANNs), our SNN models are 10x to 100x energy-efficient, which shows the superior energy efficiency of our models and may bring new opportunities to the spike-based learning community and neuromorphic engineering.
翻译:触觉感知是各种日常任务的关键。 并且最近由事件驱动的神经神经触觉传感器和 Spiking神经网络( SNNS) 的进步刺激了相关领域的研究。 然而, 由 SNN 驱动的事件触觉学习仍然处于萌芽阶段, 原因是现有神经跳动的演示能力有限, 以及事件驱动的触觉数据中高度时空复杂性。 在本文件中, 为了提高现有神经跳动的表达能力, 我们提议了一个名为“ 定位跳动神经” 的新神经神经模型, 从而使我们能够以新的方式提取基于事件的数据。 具体地说, 由 SNNNNNRM (SRM) 生成的事件感应变模型( SLRM ) 。 此外, 根据最常用的时间流流动的瞬间整合和瞬间复杂时空数据模型( TLIF), 我们开发的定位 10- 模型( LILIF) 模型, 将我们拟议的神经模型的显示为新表现效果, 并捕捉捉到复杂的神经智能流流流流流流流动的智能网络 智能智能智能智能智能智能网络, 在事件中, 智能智能智能智能智能模型中, 数据中, 演示中, 演示中, 将能量智能智能智能智能智能智能模型展示一个重要的智能智能智能智能智能模型显示我们学习一个重要的智能智能智能智能智能智能智能智能智能模型展示一个巨大的智能智能智能智能智能模型, 。