Decision-making problems of sequential nature, where decisions made in the past may have an impact on the future, are used to model many practically important applications. In some real-world applications, feedback about a decision is delayed and may arrive via partial rewards that are observed with different delays. Motivated by such scenarios, we propose a novel problem formulation called multi-armed bandits with generalized temporally-partitioned rewards. To formalize how feedback about a decision is partitioned across several time steps, we introduce $\beta$-spread property. We derive a lower bound on the performance of any uniformly efficient algorithm for the considered problem. Moreover, we provide an algorithm called TP-UCB-FR-G and prove an upper bound on its performance measure. In some scenarios, our upper bound improves upon the state of the art. We provide experimental results validating the proposed algorithm and our theoretical results.
翻译:相继决策问题,即过去做出的决定可能会对未来产生影响的决策问题,被用来模拟许多实际重要的应用。在一些现实应用中,对决定的反馈被延迟,可能通过不同延迟观察到的部分奖励而得到。受这种设想的驱使,我们提出了一个新颖的问题提法,称为多武装土匪,具有普遍的时间分配奖励。要正式确定对决定的反馈如何分成若干时间步骤,我们引入了$\beta$-preaty 属性。我们对所考虑问题的任何统一有效算法的性能限制较低。此外,我们提供了一种叫作TP-UCB-FR-G的算法,并证明它的业绩衡量有上层约束。在某些情况下,我们的上层界限改进了艺术状态。我们提供实验性结果来验证拟议的算法和我们的理论结果。</s>