Coded distributed computing (CDC) can reduce the communication load for distributed computing systems by introducing redundant computation and creating multicasting opportunities. The optimal computation-communication tradeoff has been well studied for homogeneous systems, and some results have been obtained under heterogeneous conditions. However, the existing schemes require delicate data placement and output function assignment, which is not feasible in some practical scenarios when distributed nodes fetch data without the orchestration of a central server. In this paper, we consider the general heterogeneous distributed computing systems where the data placement and output function assignment are arbitrary but pre-set (i.e., cannot be designed by schemes). For this general heterogeneous setup, we propose two coded computing schemes, One-Shot Coded Transmission (OSCT) and Few-Shot Coded Transmission (FSCT), to reduce the communication load. These two schemes first group the nodes into clusters and divide the transmission of each cluster into multiple rounds, and then design coded transmission in each round to maximize the multicast gain. The key difference between OSCT and FSCT is that the former uses a one-shot transmission where each encoded message can be decoded independently by the intended nodes, while the latter allows each node to jointly decode multiple received symbols to achieve potentially larger multicast gains. Furthermore, with theoretical converse proofs, we derive sufficient conditions for the optimality of OSCT and FSCT, respectively. This not only recovers the existing optimality results known for homogeneous systems and 3-node systems, but also includes some cases where our schemes are optimal while other existing methods are not.
翻译:代码化分布式计算(CDC) 可以通过引入冗余计算和创建多投域机会来减少分布式计算系统的通信负荷。 最佳计算- 通信权衡( CDC) 已经为同质系统进行了良好的研究, 并在各种条件下取得了一些结果。 但是, 现有的计划需要微妙的数据定位和输出函数分配( 在某些实际情况下, 分配节点不通过中央服务器的调控来获取数据) 。 在本文中, 我们考虑到数据定位和输出函数分配为任意性但预设( 即无法由计划设计)的通用分布式分布式计算系统。 对于这一总体的混杂设置, 我们提出了两种代码化计算方案: 一是热调解码传输( OSPCT), 和少热调解密传输( FSCT), 以降低通信负荷。 这两种计划首先将节点分组分为每个组,将每个集组的传输分为多轮,然后设计每轮的编码传输编码化代码化传输系统,以尽量增加多重收益。 OSCT 和FSCT 之间的关键区别在于前者使用一发式传输,, 而每种编码化信息系统不能各自独立解解解解析, 而后, 将获得的系统将具有更精确化的系统, 而后又无法再解解解解解析, 。