In the Directed Disjoint Paths problem, we are given a digraph $D$ and a set of requests $\{(s_1, t_1), \ldots, (s_k, t_k)\}$, and the task is to find a collection of pairwise vertex-disjoint paths $\{P_1, \ldots, P_k\}$ such that each $P_i$ is a path from $s_i$ to $t_i$ in $D$. This problem is NP-complete for fixed $k=2$ and W[1]-hard with parameter $k$ in DAGs. A few positive results are known under restrictions on the input digraph, such as being planar or having bounded directed tree-width, or under relaxations of the problem, such as allowing for vertex congestion. Positive results are scarce, however, for general digraphs. In this article we propose a novel global congestion metric for the problem: we only require the paths to be "disjoint enough", in the sense that they must behave properly not in the whole graph, but in an unspecified part of size prescribed by a parameter. Namely, in the Disjoint Enough Directed Paths problem, given an $n$-vertex digraph $D$, a set of $k$ requests, and non-negative integers $d$ and $s$, the task is to find a collection of paths connecting the requests such that at least $d$ vertices of $D$ occur in at most $s$ paths of the collection. We study the parameterized complexity of this problem for a number of choices of the parameter, including the directed tree-width of $D$. Among other results, we show that the problem is W[1]-hard in DAGs with parameter $d$ and, on the positive side, we give an algorithm in time $\mathcal{O}(n^{d+2} \cdot k^{d\cdot s})$ and a kernel of size $d \cdot 2^{k-s}\cdot \binom{k}{s} + 2k$ in general digraphs. This latter result has consequences for the Steiner Network problem: we show that it is FPT parameterized by the number $k$ of terminals and $p$, where $p = n - q$ and $q$ is the size of the solution.
翻译:在直接断路路径问题中,我们得到了一个以美元计美元至美元计美元的路程。 这个问题是[ 美元=2美元固定路程的NP- 完成 美元和以美元计数的W[1] 硬值, 在 DAGs 中以美元计数。 在输入路程的限制下, 有一些肯定的结果, 比如平面或将树线连接起来, 或者在问题缓解的集合下, 例如允许顶端拥堵。 肯定的结果非常少, 但是对于一般路程来说。 在文章中, 我们为问题提出了一个新的全球通缩度: 我们只需要“ 美元=2美元 ” 和 W[1] 硬值, 在 DAGs 中以 美元计数 。 在输入的参数限制下, 平面的平面上以美元计数, 以美元计数为美元计数。