This paper investigates the problem of straight-line path following for magnetic helical microswimmers. The control objective is to make the helical microswimmer to converge to a straight line without violating the step-out frequency constraint. The proposed feedback control solution is based on an optimal decision strategy (ODS) that is cast as a trust-region subproblem (TRS), i.e., a quadratic program over a sphere. The ODS-based control strategy minimizes the difference between the microrobot velocity and an integral line-of-sight (ILOS)-based reference vector field while respecting the magnetic saturation constraints and ensuring the absolute continuity of the control input. Due to the embedded integral action in the reference vector field, the microswimmer will follow the desired straight line by compensating for the drift effect of the environmental disturbances as well as the microswimmer weight.
翻译:本文调查了磁热显微闪闪石的直线路径问题。 控制目标是使螺旋微光闪烁在不违反分流频率限制的情况下向直线汇合。 拟议的反馈控制解决方案基于一种最佳决策战略(ODS), 作为一种信任区域的子问题(TRS), 即一个球体上的二次程序。 基于ODS的控制策略最大限度地缩小了微机器人速度和以直线(ILOS)为基础的集成参考矢量(ILOS)之间的差别, 同时又尊重磁饱和限制, 并确保控制输入的绝对连续性。 由于在参考矢量字段中嵌入的整体行动, 微闪烁将遵循预期的直线, 补偿环境扰动的漂移效应以及微微微微微增重。