High-impact and potentially dangerous capabilities can and should be broken down into early warning shots long before reaching red lines. Each of these early warning shots should correspond to a precursory capability. Each precursory capability sits on a spectrum indicating its proximity to a final high-impact capability, corresponding to a red line. To meaningfully detect and track capability progress, we propose a taxonomy of dangerous capability zones (a zoning taxonomy) tied to a staggered information exchange framework that enables relevant bodies to take action accordingly. In the Frontier AI Safety Commitments, signatories commit to sharing more detailed information with trusted actors, including an appointed body, as appropriate (Commitment VII). Building on our zoning taxonomy, this paper makes four recommendations for specifying information sharing as detailed in Commitment VII. (1) Precursory capabilities should be shared as soon as they become known through internal evaluations before deployment. (2) AI Safety Institutes (AISIs) should be the trusted actors appointed to receive and coordinate information on precursory components. (3) AISIs should establish adequate information protection infrastructure and guarantee increased information security as precursory capabilities move through the zones and towards red lines, including, if necessary, by classifying the information on precursory capabilities or marking it as controlled. (4) High-impact capability progress in one geographical region may translate to risk in other regions and necessitates more comprehensive risk assessment internationally. As such, AISIs should exchange information on precursory capabilities with other AISIs, relying on the existing frameworks on international classified exchanges and applying lessons learned from other regulated high-risk sectors.