Multipliers are widely-used arithmetic operators in digital signal processing and machine learning circuits. Due to their relatively high complexity, they can have high latency and be a significant source of power consumption. One strategy to alleviate these limitations is to use approximate computing. This paper thus introduces an original FPGA-based approximate multiplier specifically optimized for machine learning computations. It utilizes dynamically reconfigurable lookup table (LUT) primitives in AMD-Xilinx technology to realize the core part of the computations. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the hardware architecture, implementation outcomes, and accuracy evaluations of the multiplier proposed in INT8 precision. Implementation results on an AMD-Xilinx Kintex Ultrascale+ FPGA demonstrate remarkable savings of 64% and 67% in LUT utilization for signed multiplication and multiply-and-accumulation configurations, respectively, when compared to the standard Xilinx multiplier core. Accuracy measurements on four popular deep learning (DL) benchmarks indicate a minimal average accuracy decrease of less than 0.29% during post-training deployment, with the maximum reduction staying less than 0.33%. The source code of this work is available on GitHub.