项目名称: 近代广东侨乡建筑中的新型建筑材料运用研究
项目编号: No.51208526
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 曾娟
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 近代广东处于对外贸易的前沿地带,中西建筑文化在此碰撞、交融,新型建筑材料较早流入与运用。其中侨乡是最具代表性的区域之一。 本项目以广泛运用新型建筑材料的广东侨乡建筑为研究对象。在田野案例调查与文献分析的基础上,横向分析其运用新型建筑材料种类与表征等,纵向比较不同时期、区域运用新型建筑材料的规律与传播特色,揭示新建筑材料运用的两种动因与影响。 具体而言,本项目将总结建筑材料在建筑样式、施工技术等方面的特色,展示本土传统建筑文化遭遇西方异质文明时所表现的从排斥、接受到整合、创新的发展历史图景,构建近代广东侨乡新型建筑材料运用技艺知识库,挖掘广东侨乡建筑对岭南建筑近代转型的影响。
中文关键词: 近代;广东;侨乡;新材料;知识库
英文摘要: Guangdong hometown of oversea Chinese lies in the forefront of Chinese foreign trade area during the period of modern age, where western and Chinese traditional architectural culture impacts, integrates, and absorbs mutually and markedly. Based on field investigation and literature analysis, this project analyzes new building materials application methods and construction techniques horizontally, compares application process and features in different periods and areas, subsequently, reveals the process of new building materials introduction, development and transformation comprehensively. By the means of field investigating and literature analyzing existing traditional architecture cases, this project focuses on new building materials adopted widely in Guangdong hometown of oversea Chinese traditional architecture, reveals the process, regular patterns, and features of applying new building materials in traditional architecture, as well as the influence on traditional architectural style, construction technology, etc., furthermore, describe the relationship between Guangdong hometown of oversea Chinese traditional architectural and Lingnan modern architectural design.
英文关键词: Moden age;Guangdong;Overseas Hometown;New materials;Knowledge base