项目名称: 江南传统聚落濒危建筑构造与技术研究
项目编号: No.51278228
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 吴尧
作者单位: 江南大学
项目金额: 65万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟系统开展江南聚落与传统建筑构造与营造技术调查与研究工作,收集即将失传的营造技术与施工工艺,复制与重建典型构造模型,同时对重要施工材料与制作工艺采用定量分析研究,形成准确而完备的资料。以此为基础,进行传统建筑构造与营造技术之保护研究与可适应性利用方法研究。由于城市化进程发展与营造技术面临失传,本研究是一项非常紧迫的任务。 研究能推进我国固有营造技术研究深度,成为我国古代科技文明史的有力例证,同时,成果也是我国古代建筑发展史的充实完善。系统整体开展江南地区传统聚落与建筑构造与营造技术研究也可以加强我国传统"匠作体系"研究深度,推动形成我国固有建筑理论体系与建筑教育模式;关于建筑遗产的适应性利用方法研究也可以供相关文物保护部门提供参考与建议。最后,从历史传统的攫取具有现代价值的经验,对于当前建筑创作也具有明显的借鉴意义。
中文关键词: 江南;传统;构造;技术;工艺
英文摘要: Reseach is focus on the tranditional building structure and handcraft skill in the settlement within Jiangnan area through the site surveying and theory studying, to cellect all kinds relevant material,to make wooden model in typical structure, to do quantitative analysis in tranditional material, then to establish knowledge foundation for the future study will base on. for example, adaptive reuse and conservation motholds study,etc. It is an important and urgent porject at prsent-day China. Result will contribute to the study on Chinese tranditional buliding construction and handcraft skill, some case can be demonstrated in Chinese tranditional building technology development. Fortheremore, it can provide solid knowledge to benefit Chinese tranditoinal architecture history. In addition, Study on tranditional structure and handcraft skill in jiangnan settlement will provide knowledge to set up Chinese tranditonal " Handcraft Building System ", to establish architecture theory system and education mode which oriend in chinese culture. Adapative reuse study which base on this research can provide helpful methology to the architecture heritage manganment. Moreover, result can provide good advice in modern achitecture design nowadays.
英文关键词: Jiangnan;Tradition;strcture;skill;craft