项目名称: 中国农业保险环境效应测度及补贴政策调控研究
项目编号: No.71203038
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 宏观管理与政策
项目作者: 张伟
作者单位: 广东金融学院
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 中国过去注重粮食产出而忽视环境保护的农业政策对环境造成了严重破坏,如何在促进粮食增产的同时兼顾环境保护,已成为摆在政府面前的现实难题。根据前期研究及调研,课题组发现以保障粮食安全为目的的农业保险补贴政策,会通过影响农业经营收益而改变农民生产决策,进而影响农村环境。本课题首先构建理论模型阐述农业保险对农村环境的影响机理;在对农业保险试点地区耕地风险进行等级划分的基础上,利用入户调查的第一手数据,从农业结构调整、耕地规模扩张和农业技术进步三个不同维度,对中国现行农业保险政策的环境效应进行测度;就实施不同保费补贴比例和保障水平地区的环境效应进行区域对比研究,明确农业保险补贴力度与环境效应的关系;根据环境效应测度结果和发达国家绿色补贴发展趋势,构建兼顾粮食安全和环境保护的农业保险补贴制度。本课题研究将为政府部门完善农业保险政策提供参考,并为农村环境污染治理提供新思路,具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。
中文关键词: 农业保险;环境效应;绿色金融;低碳农业;
英文摘要: The agricultural policy focused on grain production rather than the environment protection has seriously damaged the environment. The current problem facing the government is how to take into account both the grain production increases and environment protection.According to the preliminary study and survey, Research Group discovers that the Subsidies of Agricultural Insurance aims at strength food security will affect the agriculture operating income and thus change the peasants' production decision, and thereby impact the rural environment. In this research, a theory model is built to explicate how agricultural insurance impact rural environment. The risks of ploughland in agricultural insurance pilot areas are graded. On the basis of risk grade and firsthand data of household survey, we measure the environment impact of the current subsidies of agricultural insurance from three different dimensions of agricultural structure adjustment, ploughland size expansion and agricultural technical progress; compare regionally the environment impact of different insurance premium subsidies rates and security levels and determine the relation between subsidies levels and environment; formulate a system of agricultural insurance subsidies balancing the food security and environment protection in accordance with measureme
英文关键词: Agricultural insurance ;Environmental Effects;Green finance;Carbon Farming;