项目名称: 嵌段共聚物纳米纤维固定化脂肪酶的制备及其在杂环合成中的催化性能研究
项目编号: No.21302001
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王翠娥
作者单位: 安徽工程大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 脂肪酶催化具有高效、专一、条件温和及环境友好等优点,在有机合成中有重要应用前景,但游离酶不稳定、易失活且难回收限制了其应用。酶固定化是很好的解决方案,而固定化脂肪酶的活性与载体的性质密切相关,如何保持甚至提高脂肪酶活性和稳定性是其催化应用的难点与关键。本项目拟基于静电纺丝技术制备聚氧乙烯嵌段聚丙烯酸共聚物(PEO-b-PAA)纳米纤维固定脂肪酶,从根本上解决脂肪酶在单组份纳米纤维上不能兼具高固载量和高活性的难题;探究纳米纤维组成、尺寸和形态对酶固载量、稳定性和活性的调控规律,优化脂肪酶固定化条件。在此基础上,将固定化脂肪酶应用于有机杂环合成,探明溶剂极性、溶剂亲疏水性、体系pH值、反应时间和温度等参数对固定化脂肪酶催化性能的影响规律,实现脂肪酶对杂环合成的高效催化。最后,尝试研制纳米纤维固定化脂肪酶微反应器,研究其循环催化性能和运行稳定性,为实现脂肪酶催化有机反应产业化提供理论和实验基础。
中文关键词: 静电纺丝;固定化酶;有机反应;循环性能;纳米纤维
英文摘要: Lipase has been widely used in organic synthesis due to their high efficiency, selectivity, and mild reaction conditions. In practice, owing to the intrinsic nature of lipase, such catalyzer suffers from the stability and recycling problem. To resolve this issue, lipase immobilization is proposed. However, the substrate may have influence on the activity of the lipase. Therefore, it is still a challenge to fabricate immobilized lipase with a high activity. In this project, we plan to immobilize the lipase on a novel PEO-b-PAA copolymer nanofiber prepared by electrospinning and explore its application in the synthesis of heterocyclic compound. In the fabrication of such lipase catalyzer, a two-step procedure will be employed. The copolymer nanofibers will be firstly fabricated and then the lipases will be immobilized onto them. To improve the quantities of the immobilized lipases on nanofibers and keep their structure on high activity, the size and composition as well as the morphology of the nanofiber are systematically investigated. A mild, recyclable and environmental-friendly method to synthesis heterocyclic compound efficiently will be realized from the as-prepared catalyzer with an optimized reaction condition including the solvent and pH as well as the temperature. Finally, a lipase reactor will be designe
英文关键词: electrospinning;enzyme membrane;organic synthesis;reusability;nanofiber