项目名称: 绿色供应链环境投入协作影响机制及决策优化研究
项目编号: No.71472031
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 白春光
作者单位: 东北财经大学
项目金额: 63万元
中文摘要: 企业成员间协作机制是绿色供应链亟待深入研究的领域,而环境投入成本与各自收益最大化的矛盾必然会引起企业之间相互博弈,使得绿色供应链不能够有效地运转,增加了协作风险。本项目拟从环境投入为切入点,首先在界定绿色供应链环境投入的概念和内涵的基础上,剖析中国绿色供应链开展环境投入协作的影响因素,并提出绿色供应链环境投入协作影响理论框架;其次通过实证调研和统计分析构建影响因素对企业环境投入协作实践和绩效的影响路径模型;接着利用影响路径模型结果和管理经济学相关模型从内部补贴(横向影响)、外部激励(纵向影响)和环境投入不确定性(特征影响)三个方面构建绿色供应链环境投入协作影响机制模型,最后应用博弈论进行企业与政府相关决策优化分析。预期成果为企业间开展环境投入协作和政府指定相关激励政策提供理论支持,即有利于中国企业分担环境投入成本,共担投资风险,又满足市场绿色需求,获得新的竞争优势,最终实现环境和经济双赢。
中文关键词: 绿色供应链管理;环境投入;影响机制;博弈论
英文摘要: Suppliers' collaboration plays an important role in supply chain management. Recent emphasis on sustainability has made this collaboration more complex and risky. There is a gap in the research literature and investigations on how an organization can minimize their environmental input cost and while maximizing their revenue, and at least maintaining environmental performance. This project aims to fill this gap by initially investigating environmental inputs characteristics. Using the definitions and characteristics of green supply chain environmental inputs and investigation of involvement attributes, a collaboration influence framework is introduced. This research investigation also seeks to develop an impact path model of environmental practices and performance attributes. Based on this impact path model and managerial economics theory, green supply chain environmental impact mechanism models are developed by considering internal subsidies, external pressures, and the uncertainty of environmental inputs. Decision optimization analysis is accomplished by using game theoretic techniques.
英文关键词: Green supply chain management;Environmental inputs;Impact mechanism;Game theory