项目名称: 基于供应链视角的环境治理:策略选择与协同机制
项目编号: No.71471085
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 徐小林
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 58万元
中文摘要: 环境治理是事关国计民生的热点话题。一方面,政府的环境治理政策影响生产企业的运营决策(技术选择、生产定价等)和消费者的购买决策;另一方面,消费者的环保偏好和环保意识也会影响企业的决策和政府环境治理政策的制定。现实经济活动中,消费者决策基于效用最大化,企业决策基于利润最大化,而产品生产和使用过程中产生的环境污染外部性的解决则是政府的决策目标之一。本课题拟从供应链视角系统地研究政府的环境治理策略选择和政府与企业关于环境的协同治理策略。该研究主要从理论上解决以下三个问题:基于斯坦伯格博弈框架研究信息对称和非对称情形下,政府的最优环境治理策略;基于社会福利最大化研究政府和垄断生产企业之间的协同环境治理机制设计和政府主导的多个生产企业参与的环境治理协同策略;基于环境自身净化能力的可持续发展环境治理动态策略。该研究不仅可以填补相关理论空白,而且可以为政府的政策制定和企业的决策提供决策依据和管理启示。
中文关键词: 协调机制;运营管理;博弈论;不确定性
英文摘要: Environment management is a hot topic relating to national welfare and the people's livelihood. On one hand, the government environment policies affect the manufacturers' operations decisions such as technology selection, production, pricing, etc. and the consumers' purchasing behaviors. On the other hand, the consumers' environmental preferences on the product and environmental consciousness affect the manufacturers' decisions and the government's environment management policies. In reality, the consumer makes his purchasing decision to maximize his own utility, the manufacturer makes operations decisions to maximize his profit, while the management of negative externality due to the manufacturing process and using process constitutes one of the objectives that government considers. This project aims to provide the optimal environment management policy and design the coordination mechanism of environment management between the government and the manufacturers from the perspective of supply chain. Three key problems will be investigated: (i) What's the optimal environment management policy based on a Stackelberg game setting considering information symmetry and asymmetry? (ii) How to design coordination mechanisms of environment management between the government and the monopoly manufacturer and under the setting with multiple manufacturers to achieve social welfare maximization? and (iii) What about the optimal dynamic environment management policy if the government's objective is the societal sustainable development while taking into account the self-purification capability of environment. This research not only could mitigate the gap between the environment management and supply chain management in theory, but also could provide solid proof and managerial insights for the decisions of both the government and the related enterprises.
英文关键词: coordination mechanism;operations management;game theory;uncertainty