项目名称: 易逝品供应链价格保护策略研究
项目编号: No.71201084
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学与工程
项目作者: 杨丹琴
作者单位: 南京理工大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 价值易逝、市场需求不确定、多元分销渠道给易逝品供应链运作和营销管理带来很大挑战。本项目以博弈论、运筹学为主要工具,结合消费者行为理论和风险管理思想及计算机仿真技术,在需求和消费者估值不确定、产品价格下降环境下,建立动态规划和博弈模型,研究最优的价格保护期限和差价补偿幅度设计。分析渠道竞争对价格保护均衡决策、消费者福利及供应链成员提供价格保护动机的影响,探讨如何综合运用内部和外部两类价格保护机制有效分担价格波动和需求不确定风险,研究存在不一致、损失规避等非理性消费者行为情况下的价格保护策略,从行为学角度解释价格保护策略的形成机理和价值,将价格保护策略与回扣、促销补贴(回购)策略相结合,探讨双赢的供应链协调机制。主要研究内容:考虑价格保护期限、直销和分销渠道并存情况下的易逝品供应链价格保护策略及其消费者行为学分析、适用条件和协调作用研究。研究结果为提高供应链运作和营销管理效率提供有益启示。
中文关键词: 供应链管理;价格保护;损失规避;预测更新;博弈论
英文摘要: Perishable product value, uncertain market demand, and multiple distribution channels bring large challenge for the operations and marketing management of perishable goods supply chain. Applying the main tools such as game theory and operations reseach, this project integrates consumer behavior theory, phylosophy of risk management and computer simulation technology to develop dynamic programming and game model and investigates the optimal price protection strategy in terms of the length of price protection period and magnitude of price match in the setting with uncertain demand and consumer product valuation and declining product price. We analyze the impact of channel competition on the equilibrium strategy of price protection, consumer surplus as well as the motivations of the supply chain members to provide price protection. We discuss how to allocate effectively the risk of price fluctuation and demand uncertainty by integrating internal and external price protection strategies. Optimal price protection strategy is derived in the presence of irrational consumer behavior such as inconsistence and loss aversion. We give explanation for the formation mechanism and value of the price protection from the perspective of behavior. We combine price protection strategy with promotion contracts such as rebates, markd
英文关键词: supply chain management;price protection;loss-aversion;forecast update;game theory