The problem of sequentially maximizing the expectation of a function seeks to maximize the expected value of a function of interest without having direct control on its features. Instead, the distribution of such features depends on a given context and an action taken by an agent. In contrast to Bayesian optimization, the arguments of the function are not under agent's control, but are indirectly determined by the agent's action based on a given context. If the information of the features is to be included in the maximization problem, the full conditional distribution of such features, rather than its expectation only, needs to be accounted for. Furthermore, the function is itself unknown, only counting with noisy observations of such function, and potentially requiring the use of unmatched data sets. We propose a novel algorithm for the aforementioned problem which takes into consideration the uncertainty derived from the estimation of both the conditional distribution of the features and the unknown function, by modeling the former as a Bayesian conditional mean embedding and the latter as a Gaussian process. Our algorithm empirically outperforms the current state-of-the-art algorithm in the experiments conducted.