Online bipartite matching with one-sided arrival and its variants have been extensively studied since the seminal work of Karp, Vazirani, and Vazirani (STOC 1990). Motivated by real-life applications with dynamic market structures, e.g. ride-sharing, two generalizations of the classical one-sided arrival model are proposed to allow non-bipartite graphs and to allow all vertices to arrive online. Namely, online matching with general vertex arrival is introduced by Wang and Wong (ICALP 2015), and fully online matching is introduced by Huang et al. (JACM 2020). In this paper, we study the fractional versions of the two models. We improve three out of the four state-of-the-art upper and lower bounds of the two models. For fully online matching, we design a $0.6$-competitive algorithm and prove no problem can be $0.613$-competitive. For online matching with general vertex arrival, we prove no algorithm can be $0.584$-competitive. Moreover, we give an arguably more intuitive algorithm for the general vertex arrival model, compared to the algorithm of Wang and Wong, while attaining the same competitive ratio of $0.526$.
翻译:自Karp、Vazirani和Vazirani(STOC 1990)的开创性工作以来,对单向抵达及其变异物的在线双向匹配及其变异物进行了广泛研究。受动态市场结构(如搭车共享)实际应用的激励,提出了传统的单向抵达模式的两种概括,以允许非双向图表,并允许所有顶端进入在线。即,王王和黄(ICEP 2015)引入了与一般顶端抵达及其变异物的在线匹配,黄等人(JACM 2020)引入了完全在线匹配。在本文中,我们研究了两种模式的分数版本。我们改进了两种模式四个最先进的上下边缘的三套。为了完全在线匹配,我们设计了6美元竞争性算法,证明没有问题可以达到0.613美元。对于与一般顶端抵达的在线匹配,我们证明没有任何算法可以达到0.584美元竞争力。此外,我们给普通顶端抵达模式提供了一种比较性更直观的算法,同时达到王式和王式的竞争力。